Snowy ride 10th Jan 2010

So, the first post here is my first ride for 2010, a technically challenging ride in the soft snow around the Surrey Hills, with the ubiquitous Peaslake pit stop for piping hot cheese repeater sticks.

I think the general consensus was that biking through snow is like riding through a thick sandy mud, staying in the cut tracks was much less effort but required a lot of concentration to stay there.  I pity the guys who were breaking the trail, I found that even glancing up to admire the view would invite the front tyre to start biting the soft powder and exaggerating any tiny steering correction.  Very much a stop-start ride initially.

We were out from around 11am until 4pm, our regular route of Leith, Holmbury and Pitch had to be cut short, progress through the snow was much slower than normal and the road short-cut sections were more lethal than being off road as it was like trying to cycle on an ice rink.  All in all though I had a fabulous time, one of the most fun rides I’ve been on.